Building a World of Kindness Together | By Guy Farmer

I've often wondered why people settle for living in fear, anger, misery, and hopelessness. As a poet, I explore the human condition and challenge the notion that we have to cater to our basest instincts, where all we do is fight each other for food and resources.

Human beings have shown time after time that they're capable of much more than self-interest, greed, and cruelty. Think of all the wonderful people who behave with generosity, gentleness, and compassion, helping their fellow men and women without any need for recognition or compensation. It happens all the time. Why not make that the standard for human behavior instead of shrugging our shoulders and saying that things will never change?

People are capable of being kind and building a world of love and compassion. We have the ability to use our wonderful brains and hearts to help each other thrive. If enough of us speak up for kindness, we can shift the conversation in that direction.

Help me create a kindness movement that can't be ignored by those who wish to spread darkness. Together we can build a kind world.




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