Believing in Kindess | By Guy Farmer

Over many years of designing and facilitating workshops and coaching people to treat themselves and each other well, I've encountered a lot of individuals who don't believe in kindness, a perspective usually stemming from their own experiences growing up. When you're raised in a household where all you're taught is that the world is harsh and you better toughen up or, worse yet, you're belittled, humiliated, or abused in some way, you tend to come out of that environment with all kinds of negative and even irrational views.

The wonderful thing I've noticed is that human beings, regardless of their backgrounds can begin healing and believing in kindness at any time. It can be a difficult process, often requiring therapy, but people have an amazing capacity to heal. Even the angriest, most hurt person can move in the direction of gentleness and happiness. Much of people's anger and hatred comes from feeling worthless deep inside, they don't care about themselves so they are incapable of caring for others. This can all change if we work hard to change the culture that produces pain and suffering.

You can make a profound difference in a person's life just by being kind without expecting anything in return. When you consciously decide to be kind, even in the face of anger, you send a clear message that peace and love are possible. Each time you behave with kindness it has a positive effect, whether you see it at that particular moment or not. The key is to always be kind regardless of what other people choose to do. If enough of us behave with genuine kindness it will eventually become the norm. For too long we've accepted behaviors that lead to misery, it's up to us to create a new world based on compassion and hope.




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